Friday, October 31, 2008

Clay's Owie-Day 5

Before the bath, the bandage wouldn't come off.

After a bath! The bandages just fell off.

Happy Halloween

Allison had a fun costume parade at her preschool! She was very proud of her dragon costume. In the back ground are her teachers, Mrs. Ryan and Mrs. Shoemaker.

Here is Allison’s Halloween outfit and the trick or treat bag she made at school.

Clay was a little pumpkin for Halloween! Isn’t he just adorable?

Alli's Dragon

My little dragon.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Clay's follow-up Dr. Appt

Clay's Dr. Appt went well. He was able to get the gauze off (a bit painful for Clayton) and he said to leave that bandage on for a day or two and then try a bath to soak off the bandages. s779241881_1549115_9166

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Clay's Big Owie


Here we go with our first dressing change. This is 2 days after the injury.

There was a lot of gauze and still the blood soaked through. That is what brought us to ER, lots and lots of bleeding.

It looks black because of some special clotting gauze.

The shiny gauze is the special stuff. It made his cut capillaries clot faster. It was painful to try and get it off though so we will leave it until our Dr. Appt tomorrow.

I think he likes his purple bandage.

Monday, October 27, 2008

A Trip to the ER for Clayton

Clay scraped his leg on a piece of glass that was in our trash sack. I guess he rubbed up against the bag when I was getting ready to take it out. It was sitting on the ground and all the sudden he started screaming. We had to make a painful trip to the ER. The Dr agreed with looks like he got a skin draft. Poor little buddy!